Sefton Children’s Trust was established in 1984 and has grown into what we see today. Here at SCT, we fundraise all year round to ensure we are able to help families in Sefton with a 3 year programme of events, activities and support.

We have no paid staff, but instead a team of dedicated volunteers who are passionate about providing opportunities to children who are experiencing difficulties. Our Summer holiday camp is the highlight of our year, with volunteers giving up their time for 7 days year in and year out.

We are supported by some fantastic companies who regularly donate to us, but as the climate get tougher, we are always on the look out for as much help as possible.

About us

Sefton Children’s Trust Committee

Grace Sandison
Vice Secretary

Annette Taylor

Anna Patterson

Ian Edwards
Bid Writer

Chloe Huyton

Neil McCaskill

Emma Ley
Vice Chair

Anona Kelly

Melanie Gillam

Clare Bennett

Adele Maddocks
Former Chair

Kelly Dean-Sheeky
Former Vice Chair

You can contact any of our trustees at